A modern record label.

“Wonderful name for a record label. But why Epsilon. It's the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet. The letter "E" in British English slang represents Ecstasy the party drug. As in let's take an "E' ;) It's also an arbitrarily small positive quantity in mathematical analysis. But most interestingly to me! An Epsilon is one who belongs to the lowest caste in Aldous Huxley's book Brave New World. Known for stunted growth, inferior intelligence, yet indispensibility. After death, they play a crucial role in phosphate reclamation. In short, a useful idiot. Very clever Nate. Very clever :)”

Marty Fraser (late friend of the label)


We are a techno oriented, independent, electronic dance music record label, based out of Amsterdam. We exist underground and use grassroots methods to grow organically. We believe in getting to know our artists personally. Our intention is to be a modern label with old school values and always operate with the highest level of ethics when serving our artists.

The values that guide us are:

  • Persistence

  • Intentionality

  • Generosity

  • Innovation

  • Collaboration

  • Inclusion


In the beginning, there was music. And music had a groove. Sounds put to rhythms to please people and get them moving.

In the annals of music, the groove has been a constant; a cadence that resonates, moves, and connects generations. Nate Houk, half Italian and half American, hailing from Seattle, WA, relocated to Amsterdam in 2012. There, he was immediately captivated by the city's vibrant techno scene — drawn inexorably to its beats, tempos, clubs, DJs, and the raw energy it radiated.

In this European cultural nexus, Nate's path intersected with that of local DJ Frank Boland. Through this association, he was introduced to Frank’s brother Harm and musician Daan de Jong. Recognizing a shared vision and the potential for unique contributions to the music scene, they collaborated to forge an avant-garde underground label. This marked the inception of Epsilon Records.


With Epsilon Records, we’re carving out a space on the local and international scene to platform underground artists, facilitate parties, and let all genres of dance music flourish - from acid techno to deep house, and from trance to progressive.

As we head into 2024, our vision is clear - we want to continue nurturing a community of like-minded dance lovers.


As with any maverick, half-baked project, Epsilon Records was formed during the dregs of late nights. In the post-party haze of these nights, sleep was phased out as we swapped obscure records, digressive stories, and mindless thoughts - all until we’d chiselled out genuine ideas about what a new, original, independent dance label might look like.

Here, we turned our ideas into reality.


In amongst the bright neon lights, the darkly-packed rooms and clubs, the free-flowing decadence, and the countless thousands of dance music lovers that we encountered, Epsilon Records found its inspiration and its community.

Here, we found a place where Epsilon Records could not only build a home - but where it could thrive.


As our love for the scene grew, so too did our arsenal of tech kit - and we made it so that all manner of synthesisers, modulators, and mixers were at our disposal.

Here, we put together the necessities so that great dance music could be made.


Epsilon Records is a community-based record label. We run a Discord server which you are welcome to join by following this invitation link. You can also follow us or reach out to us on Twitch (@epsilonrecords), YouTube (@epsilonrecords), Soundcloud (@epsilonrecords), Instagram (@epsilonrecords) or TikTok (@epsilonrecords).